The fastest and simplest forms for Canva websites.

Create forms directly within Canva. Add to your design. Done.

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The fastest and simplest way to create forms for your Canva website.

Get started directly in Canva.

Simply add the Fluid Forms app to your Canva design and start creating forms directly in Canva.

Email Notifications

Instant email notifications upon form submissions.

Payment Integration (Coming Soon)

Accept payments directly from your form.


Explore our plans

Get started for free.



Good for basic, limited use.

  • Maximum of one form

  • Simple form inputs

  • Single form submission recipient

  • 100 submissions per month

  • FluidForms Branding



$8.50 / month (billed annually)

Perfect for businesses and content creators.

  • Unlimited forms

  • No FluidForms branding

  • Custom logo and button colors

  • Multi-page forms

  • Payment screens

  • Integrations with Mailchimp, ConvertKit and more.